Often, we get so focused on "staying afloat" that we're not looking down the road beyond the next end. For a non-profit, this kind of thinking- strategic planning - is critical to sustaining the mission of the organization. Working with the key influencers of the organization , I conduct a series of half-day meetings to help articulate the organization's goals for the next 3-5 years. We then write a plan that articulates exactly what needs to be done to achieve these goals. This helps reinforce the mission and purpose of the organization but also informs them as to what activities need to be done now to keep the organization strong and vital down the road.
My last project of this nature was working with a school that found itself at an important crossroads: they had built a small reserve of capital and were unsure for what it should be used. With so many needs clamoring for attention, we stepped way back to examine the school's strengths, weaknesses and vulnerabilities. This, coupled with a strong understanding of the school's mission, allowed us to decide where to focus the energy of the Board and its community to ensure the long term vital success of the school.
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