
I’m delighted to announce that as of January 2012 I have joined Mission Minded as Senior Strategist (www.mission-minded.com). This allows me to continue my work on brand strategy while stewarding clients through the entire communications process, whether it’s updating a website, creating new donor materials, or simply clarifying key messages. Please note my new contact information below.

I fell in love with the nonprofit sector while working on marketing and communications for pro bono clients as Management Director at DDB Worldwide. I began my nonprofit communications practice in 2005. Since leaving the private sector, I have helped clients apply strategic clarity to long-term planning as well as communications strategies/plans. This work is critical to effective development and fundraising. After all, how can we ask people to support our nonprofit if we don’t know how to articulate succinctly who we are, what we do and why it matters?

When not working with clients, I conduct workshops for places like CompassPoint and the Center for Volunteer and Nonprofit Leadership. I also facilitate workshops within organizations to bring staff and Board in line with the organization’s goals.

Currently, I am on the Board of Children of Shelters, a nonprofit that supports children living in or being served by San Francisco’s transitional shelters. I also serve on the Marketing Committee for Mission Dolores Academy in San Francisco, and am an active volunteer/advocate locally for children’s education.

Below are some examples of my past work. Please contact me to discuss your nonprofit's particular needs.

Contact Information:



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